cylinders without Montessori button

  • En oferta
  • Precio habitual $117.00

Code: 380

Average of the boxes: 16 x 12 x 8 cm

Contains: Set of 4 boxes of different colors. Each set of 10 cylinders is painted in the same color as the lid of its corresponding box, to differentiate and classify them. in the red box the cylinders increase in thickness. in the yellow box cylinders vary in diameter and height. in the green box cylinders increase in diameter. in the blue box the cylinders vary in height, while the diameter is the same.

Skills: With this Montessori material, children will be helped to develop the visual perception of dimension and focus on those characteristics of size and color, preparing them directly for mathematics, weight discrimination exercises , comparing the largest, the intermediate and the smallest. Coordination, concentration, order and independence.

Ages: Recommended from 3 years